We show you the compatibility of Comerzzia with Sinqro, in the category of pOS apps
Receive and manage orders from delivery marketplaces in Comerzzia
Receive and manage delivery orders from your app in Comerzzia
Receive and manage payments from payment platforms in Comerzzia
Receive and manage payments from your payments app in Comerzzia
Receive and manage table-service orders from marketplaces in Comerzzia
Receive and manage takeaway orders from marketplaces in Comerzzia
Receive and manage takeaway orders from your app in Comerzzia
Receive and manage reservations from marketplaces in Comerzzia
Receive and manage reservations from your reservations app in Comerzzia
Receive and manage table-service orders from your app in Comerzzia
Receive the local sales of Comerzzia in your stock management software