Integrate YaVoy Market

We show you the compatibility of YaVoy Market

Compatibility of YaVoy Market with pOS apps

Features of delivery orders marketplaces crossed with pOS apps features

Functionality YaVoy Market + WaiterPOS
YaVoy MarketWaiterPOS
YaVoy Market + FireSoft
YaVoy MarketFireSoft
YaVoy Market + DAF TPV
YaVoy MarketDAF TPV
YaVoy Market + Square
YaVoy MarketSquare
YaVoy Market + Nerón
YaVoy MarketNerón
YaVoy Market + YantarPlus
YaVoy MarketYantarPlus
YaVoy Market + Hosteltáctil
YaVoy MarketHosteltáctil
YaVoy Market + SofyTAHC
YaVoy MarketSofyTAHC
YaVoy Market + iaTPV
YaVoy MarketiaTPV
YaVoy Market + CentralCash
YaVoy MarketCentralCash
YaVoy Market + PowerEPOS
YaVoy MarketPowerEPOS
YaVoy Market + SmartTPV
YaVoy MarketSmartTPV
YaVoy Market + Rocket TPV
YaVoy MarketRocket TPV
YaVoy Market + FasTPV
YaVoy MarketFasTPV
YaVoy Market + OfiBarman
YaVoy MarketOfiBarman
YaVoy Market + Winex TPV
YaVoy MarketWinex TPV
YaVoy Market + Waitry KDS
YaVoy MarketWaitry KDS
YaVoy Market + Rebolt
YaVoy MarketRebolt
YaVoy Market + AZ POS
YaVoy MarketAZ POS
YaVoy Market + Ágora
YaVoy MarketÁgora
YaVoy Market + BDP
YaVoy MarketBDP
YaVoy Market + DSTnet Hostelería
YaVoy MarketDSTnet Hostelería
YaVoy Market + ICG FrontRest Abinco
YaVoy MarketICG FrontRest Abinco
YaVoy Market + ICG FrontRest Bivium
YaVoy MarketICG FrontRest Bivium
YaVoy Market + Comerzzia
YaVoy MarketComerzzia
YaVoy Market + DipiServis
YaVoy MarketDipiServis
YaVoy Market + SIGHORE
YaVoy Market + SICAX
YaVoy MarketSICAX
YaVoy Market + Disoft
YaVoy MarketDisoft
YaVoy Market + Ticksy
YaVoy MarketTicksy
YaVoy Market + Resta3
YaVoy MarketResta3
YaVoy Market + HIOPOS
YaVoy MarketHIOPOS
YaVoy Market + Schultes BluePOS
YaVoy MarketSchultes BluePOS
YaVoy Market + WinTPV
YaVoy MarketWinTPV
YaVoy Market + Cuiner
YaVoy MarketCuiner
YaVoy Market + Check-In
YaVoy MarketCheck-In
YaVoy Market + Astarté
YaVoy MarketAstarté
YaVoy Market + MenuL@n
YaVoy MarketMenuL@n
YaVoy Market + Fudo
YaVoy MarketFudo
YaVoy Market + NumierTPV
YaVoy MarketNumierTPV
YaVoy Market + Tiller
YaVoy MarketTiller
YaVoy Market + Revo
YaVoy MarketRevo
YaVoy Market + Masterpan
YaVoy MarketMasterpan
YaVoy Market + Loyverse
YaVoy MarketLoyverse
YaVoy Market + DelitbeePOS
YaVoy MarketDelitbeePOS
YaVoy Market + Microsoft Dynamics NAV
YaVoy MarketMicrosoft Dynamics NAV
YaVoy Market + EatAmigo POS
YaVoy MarketEatAmigo POS
YaVoy Market + TillD
YaVoy MarketTillD
YaVoy Market + Mintral DDS
YaVoy MarketMintral DDS
YaVoy Market + Microsoft Business Central
YaVoy MarketMicrosoft Business Central
Products and modifiers integration
Full delivery menu integration
Delivery orders integration
Accept delivery orders directly in the POS
Cancel delivery orders directly in the POS
Orders status updates integration
Orders status updates integration

Compatibility of YaVoy Market with delivery companies

Features of delivery orders marketplaces crossed with delivery companies features

Compatibility of YaVoy Market with delivery softwares

Features of delivery orders marketplaces crossed with delivery softwares features

Compatibility of YaVoy Market with cloud printers

Features of delivery orders marketplaces crossed with cloud printers features

Compatibility of YaVoy Market with messaging apps

Features of delivery orders marketplaces crossed with messaging apps features

Functionality YaVoy Market + Telegram
YaVoy MarketTelegram
YaVoy Market + WhatsApp
YaVoy MarketWhatsApp
Delivery orders in the chat
Accept delivery orders in the chat
Delivery orders status updates in the chat

Compatibility of YaVoy Market with pOS apps

Features of takeaway orders marketplaces crossed with pOS apps features

Compatibility of YaVoy Market with cloud printers

Features of takeaway orders marketplaces crossed with cloud printers features

Functionality YaVoy Market + Epson Server Direct Print
YaVoy MarketEpson Server Direct Print
YaVoy Market + Star CloudPRNT
YaVoy MarketStar CloudPRNT
YaVoy Market + Sunmi Cloud Printer
YaVoy MarketSunmi Cloud Printer
YaVoy Market + HCCTG Cloud Printer
YaVoy MarketHCCTG Cloud Printer
Takeaway orders reception + Print orders
Takeaway orders acceptation + Accept orders

Compatibility of YaVoy Market with messaging apps

Features of takeaway orders marketplaces crossed with messaging apps features

Functionality YaVoy Market + Telegram
YaVoy MarketTelegram
YaVoy Market + WhatsApp
YaVoy MarketWhatsApp
Takeaway orders reception + Orders and reservations reception
Takeaway orders acceptation + Orders and reservations acceptation

Global compatibility of YaVoy Market with Sinqro

Features of delivery orders marketplaces

Functionality YaVoy Market
YaVoy Market
Delivery menu push integration
Send to YaVoy Market your delivery menus from Sinqro
Delivery orders reception
Receive delivery orders from YaVoy Market in Sinqro
Delivery orders entry with product references
Receive orders from YaVoy Market with the correct product references (due to a previous automatic menu push or a manual mapping in YaVoy Market)
Delivery orders acceptation
Accept YaVoy Market delivery orders from Sinqro
Delivery orders cancellation
Cancel YaVoy Market delivery orders from Sinqro
Delivery orders status updates (send)
Send to YaVoy Market the delivery order status updates
Delivery orders status updates (receive)
Receive in Sinqro the delivery order status updates from YaVoy Market
Change restaurant status
Open or close your restaurant in YaVoy Market from Sinqro
Operating schedules integration
Send your schedules to YaVoy Market from Sinqro
Integration with global QR code
Show YaVoy Market as ordering option in your Sinqro global QR code

Global compatibility of YaVoy Market with Sinqro

Features of takeaway orders marketplaces

Functionality YaVoy Market
YaVoy Market
Takeaway menu push integration
Send to YaVoy Market your takeaway menus from Sinqro
Takeaway orders reception
Receive takeaway orders from YaVoy Market in Sinqro
Takeaway orders entry with product references
Receive orders from YaVoy Market with the correct product references (due to a previous automatic menu push or a manual mapping in YaVoy Market)
Takeaway orders cancellation
Cancel YaVoy Market takeaway orders from Sinqro
Takeaway orders acceptation
Accept YaVoy Market takeaway orders from Sinqro
Takeaway orders status updates (send)
Send to YaVoy Market the takeaway order status updates
Takeaway orders status updates (receive)
Receive in Sinqro the takeaway order status updates from YaVoy Market
Change restaurant status
Open or close your restaurant in YaVoy Market from Sinqro
Operating schedules integration
Send your schedules to YaVoy Market from Sinqro
Integration with global QR code
Show YaVoy Market as ordering option in your Sinqro global QR code

Here we go! 🚀

In less than 30 minutes you can have your restaurant linked